Embed CapIntel’s suite of tools within your website as a value-add for advisors.

Offer best-in-class investment proposals that harmonize your brand and key Fund features.

Gain proprietary data insights to inform better advisor-client conversations.

Bridge the Gap

CapIntel Link bridges the communication gap between asset managers and their advisor network, resulting in more informed conversations and superior client outcomes.

Control your brand experience

CapIntel Link appears as an extension of your brand on your website, offering consistency for visiting advisors looking to pitch your products.

Quickly build comprehensive presentations

At no cost, advisors gain access to CapIntel’s intuitive comparison tool, real-time analytics, and standardized proposal templates that bolster your brand.

Gain enhanced trend and data insights

Proactively engage with advisors about your Funds based on usage and activity data points, all succinctly summarized for at-a-glance insights.

Embedded experience for easy adoption

Easy to find and easy to use; two keys to incredible adoption and repeat-use. With continual usage comes a greater opportunity for positioning your Funds in client conversations.


We work with over 500 wholesalers & 10,000 advisors in North America. Take a look at how these financial institutions are managing their practice with CapIntel.